Mental Health

Three Reasons Community is Essential for Wellbeing

April 8, 2024
4 min read


  • Loneliness affects everyone and is a serious health burden.
  • We need close ties, but our weaker, community ties are also crucial in remedying loneliness.
  • Strong, cohesive communities create a ripple effect beyond just improving individual wellbeing.

Loneliness can grip people of all ages and backgrounds. It's more than simply being alone; it's the feeling of isolation and a lack of meaningful social connection.  Research shows loneliness carries a significant health burden, comparable to the risks of smoking or obesity.

Humans are social creatures wired for connection. Evolutionary psychologists posit that strong social bonds were crucial for survival in the past, offering support and protection.  In the modern world, however, factors like urbanization, increased mobility, and our interconnected (but disconnected) social behaviours can contribute to social isolation. Communities bridge this gap, providing a space for shared experiences, fostering a sense of belonging, and offering a safety net of social support.

1. Community creates opportunities for social interaction. Community groups, clubs based on shared interests, or volunteering initiatives provide a platform to meet like-minded people. These interactions can be as simple as chatting with a neighbour during a community garden project or as deep as sharing personal struggles in a support group.  Regardless of the form, these interactions chip away at social isolation and build a sense of camaraderie.

2. Communities offer a sense of belonging. Feeling like you're part of something bigger than yourself is a powerful antidote to loneliness. Communities provide a sense of shared identity, a feeling of "we" versus "me." This can be particularly important for individuals who may feel marginalized or ostracized elsewhere.  Knowing they belong to a group that accepts and values them can be a significant boost to self-esteem and well-being.

3. Communities offer social support. Life throws challenges our way, and having a network of people to rely on can significantly ease the burden. Communities provide a safety net for emotional and practical support.  Sharing burdens with others who understand your situation can lessen the weight of loneliness.  Similarly,  having people who can offer a helping hand during difficult times, whether it's emotional support or just the knowledge that someone else is there, it can make a real difference in someone's life.

The benefits of community extend beyond the individual. Strong, cohesive communities create a ripple effect, fostering a sense of collective well-being. However, it's important to acknowledge that not all communities are created equal. Some individuals may find it challenging to break into pre-existing social circles or may not feel a sense of belonging within certain groups.  It's important to belong to communities that are meaningful to you: 

  • Identify your interests: Look for groups or activities that align with your passions and hobbies. This is a great way to meet like-minded people who share your enthusiasm.
  • Step outside your comfort zone: While it's natural to gravitate towards familiar territory, trying something new can lead to unexpected connections.
  • Be open and approachable: Take the initiative to strike up conversations and show genuine interest in others. Often, a simple smile and a friendly hello can be the first step towards building a connection.
  • Don't give up: Finding the right community may take time and effort. Be patient and persistent, and eventually, you'll find your place.

In the words of Maya Angelou: "People forget what you said, people forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."  Strong communities are built on genuine connection and a sense of shared humanity. By fostering these connections, communities can effectively combat loneliness and create a more supportive and fulfilling environment for all.

By seeking out and actively participating in communities, we can build a world where loneliness is replaced by a sense of connection and shared well-being.

With gratitude,


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